7.1.2008 | 00:35
Macworld 08 - Nżjungar į leišinni
Žaš bķša flestir Mac-notendur spenntir eftir Macworld 2008 en žį eru nżjungar ķ Mac-heiminum kynntar af Steve Jobs forstjóra Apple. Nś hefur listi "leikiš" į netiš žar sem tilgreindir eru hlutir sem eiga aš lķta dagsins ljós į Macworld.
Listinn er skemmtilegur yfirlestrar en tekiš skal fram aš žetta gęti einnig veriš kjaftęši frį A-Ö. En hérna er listinn og veršur fróšlegt aš sjį hvort eitthvaš af žessu kemur.
Žaš sem mér finnst spennandi į listanum eru:
*iPhone meš 3G stušningi
*Nż Mac book pro - endurhönnum
*Mac book nano - sem er ekki meš geisladrifi og super-portible
*Nżjir Cinema skjįir sem eiga aš vera mun betri en žeir sem nś eru ķ umferš
Mac Nano
Redesigned MacMini
Half the height as its predecessor
Now has an anodized aluminum shell.
2.2GHz and 2.4GHz Santa Rosa chips
32GB flash solid state drive (64GB build-to-order option, also option for 160GB conventional HDD)
On sale at MacWorld, ships February
Mac Pro
Based off the Penryn chipset
Dual 2.8 GHz Penryn Xeons standard
2GB of RAM standard
320GB HDD standard
NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT Graphics standard
Blu-Ray build-to-order option for an extra $400
MacBook Pro
Mobile Penryn Chipset
2.4GHz and 2.6GHz Speeds
17 gets LED backlighting
15 gets a build-to-order higher resolution similar to the 17 model
Keeping the 8600M GT graphics, but upping the video memory to 256MB and 512MB
Black anodized aluminum option similar to the iPod classic
On sale at MacWorld, ships February
Cinema Displays
Built in 2 megapixel iSight camera
Same resolutions
LED backlighting
All support 1080HD
New Prices : 20: $399; 23: $599; 30: $1,249
On sale at MacWorld, Available at MacWorld
MacBook Nano
Ultraportable Mac
Same screen resolution and size as the current MacBooks; 13 at 1280x800
1.6GHz and 1.8GHz low voltage Core 2 Duos
Low end model to feature a 32GB SSD and the higher end to have a 64GB SSD
$1,499 and $1,999 Respectively
No Optical Drives
Intel Integrated Graphics
10 Hours of Battery Life
On sale at MacWorld, Available at MacWorld
SDK Available at MacWorld
Developers can sell their signed apps from iTunes starting in March
New software includes Multimedia messaging, video recording with the camera, and an eBook reader
iPhone games available from the iTunes store
3G iPhone announced (looks similar to the existing model)
iPhone available in more countries
iTunes & iPod
iTunes 8 released along with Movie Rentals and eBooks
Software update for iPod Classics and Touches to support eBooks
Front Row 3.0
All Leopard compatible Macs will be able to use it
Support for the iTunes Store
eBook Reader
SDK for 3rd Parties to make plugins
Can be controlled via Apple Remote, iPhone, or iPod Touch
iCal, Mail, and Safari integration
New product not in the MacBook family
Two 9" multitouch-sensitve widescreens, both at 1280 x 854
Innovative, minimalist, two-way folding/sliding, dual-screen, multi-position design with magnetic clasps. Inspired by the paperback book, but thinner, more flexible and surprisingly tough.
No optical drive or mechanical HDD, uses a SSD drive.
Will run most existing OS X apps when in dual screen mode; 2nd screen becomes keyboard and touchpad
iPhone-ish springboard when in single screen mode
Multitouch sensitive version of iPhoto
Bluetooth, 802.11b/g, USB2.0, optical/analogue audio in/out, built in speakers & microphone.
Hef ekki mikla trś į aš žessi listu sé alvöru, žetta er svona "of gott til aš vera satt" dęmi, en žaš veršur spennandi aš fylgjast meš.
Siguršur Ingi Kjartansson, 7.1.2008 kl. 09:16
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.